Greenhill Lodge Masterplan

Haven’s Gate LP
Greenhill has long been a place of plenty, of kai, and a healthy way of life. However, clearances 150 years ago shifted this land from forest and wetlands to bare hills and pasture. Over time Greenhill became disconnected from this pastoral urge, becoming instead a sanctuary, and a remarkable home made of tōtara, mataī, rimu and kauri, that was handed down through the women of the family. Famous for its heritage gardens it sits where the rolling hills emerge from the flats below.
Greenhill is a gathering of possibilities. Dormant, but not. A cluster of seed-like opportunities to be activated by the energy, values and vision of her next kaitiaki that can be realised through masterplan that expresses a commitment to restoring and regenerating Greenhill as a rich and lively landscape that is a healthy and abundant home for nature and people together, and from which inspiration for the future productive landscapes of the region can be sown.

The site visit and desktop study process provides a foundation that informs the development of the landscape strategy. The project sets out a landscape vision and strategy to develop Greenhill as an innovative form of future productive landscape that can nourish both people and nature. It can also demonstrate relevant models for approaching farming and forest restoration in the region in ways that foreground values of sustainability and organic farming practices.

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